Viruses Microbes

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Animals Viruses

The most organism structure and function are thoroughly intertwined. At one time or certain time we all likely been infected by a virus. For instance, colds or influenza and chicken pox are two common ailments are the diseases that caused by viruses.

Animals viruses are intracellular obligate parasites that reproduce only after invading the host animal cell. Then the virus will introduce and develop their live in their host, like computer viruses that should find a host to make them can breeding them selves.

The type of viruses that infect animals body are similar with the virus that can infect to human, but virus also have habit, they are usually infect animals. But on certain condition they will improve their life and able to infect human, this called as virus mutation.

There are several types of animals viruses:
  • Double Stranded DNA
  • Single Stranded DNA
  • Double Stranded RNA
  • Single Stranded RNA
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