Viruses Microbes

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Most Dangerous Virus

This virus is created by human but also can exterminate human being. There is no name for this virus, still don’t have name for this virus. Virologist from the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, Holland, Ron Fouchier is the person who created this virus. He create this virus by mutate H5N1virus genetic material. To test the pathogenesis of this virus, Fouchier using ferrets as experimental animals because they have breath system similar to humans.

This one is the most dangerous virus, Fouschier said, quote by Daily Mail on Sunday, 27 November 2011. This virus more easier infect human than infect other humans. If the virus leakage to public, pandemic potential cause by this virus very high, even humans could become extinct because of this virus.

So what is the goal to create this virus? Fauchier said this experiment is the research on try to know the H5N1 virus. The similar experiment also done in Tokyo University – Japan.

Some have refused publication because it feared of such research results will be misused. The results could be positive for public health, but also can be used as a biological weapon.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Diseases By Viruses

Many diseases are caused by viruses, the common diseases that are caused by viruses such as common cold, influenza, chiken-pox and cold sores. Other more serious diseases that are caused by viruses such as ebola, avian flue, AIDs and SARS.

Each viruses have different mechanisms by which they produce disease in an organism, which largely depends on the viral species. Mechanisms at cell level primarily include cell lyses, the breaking open and subsequent death of the cell. In multicellular organisms, if enough cells die the whole organism will start to suffer the effects. Viruses cause disruption of healthy homestasis, resulting in disease, they may exist relatively harmlessly within an organism. Like on the disease herpes simplex virus, which causes cold sores, to remain in a dormant state within the human body. The latency and characteristic of the all herpes viruses including the Epstein Barr virus, which causes glandular fever, and the varicella zoster virus, which causes chicken pox.

Every people have been infected with at least one of these types of herpes virus. But this virus is latent that sometimes can be beneficial, as the presence of the virus can increase immunity against bacterial pathogens, such as “Ysrsinia Pestis.” While latent chickenpox infect can return in later life as the disease called shingles.

Several viruses can cause life-long or chromic infections, where the viruses continue to replicate in the body despite the host’s defence mechanism. Such as hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infection. The people who ever get this diseases called as carriers, as they serve as reservoirs of infections virus. In populations with a high proportion of carriers, the disease is said to be endemic.